Sumter Child Custody Lawyer

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Sumter Child Custody Attorney

One of the hardest aspects of any divorce or child custody case is the impact it can have on children. The custody decisions made in Family Court will determine the extent of the future relationship each child has with their parents.

Because of these sensitivities, a knowledgeable Sumter child custody lawyer can help ensure that all details are in order and that no one tries to take advantage of your parental rights during the legal process.

At Kinney Law Firm, we understand how important it is to secure a favorable custody arrangement that will honor your child’s best interests while respecting your rights as a parent. It’s why our dedicated child custody lawyer stands ready to listen to your concerns and develop a unique legal strategy. We can guide you through each step of the custody process in Sumter. Connect with us today.

Common Child Custody Disputes to Resolve

Resolving child custody disputes in Sumter, SC will require careful consideration of each child’s interests and both parents’ willingness to navigate complicated legal and personal matters. Some of the most common disputes that need to be resolved in these cases include:

Physical Custody Arrangements

A physical custody arrangement dictates where a child will live on a daily basis. A common dispute over physical custody occurs when one parent tries to obtain sole physical custody rather than being willing to share custody with the other parent. These disagreements are often fueled by competing ideas on who can offer the most stability and be available for their child’s every need.

Legal Custody Decisions

While physical custody deals with living arrangements, legal custody has to do with decision-making. It determines who has the right to make significant decisions about the child’s life. Some common examples include where they go to school, whom they receive healthcare from, and what their religious upbringing looks like. While two parents might disagree on a medical treatment plan for their child, a parent with sole legal custody does not have to consider the other parent’s opinion.

Visitation Schedules

When a visitation schedule is necessary based on the type of custody arrangement issued, it’s important to establish a fair and practical schedule. However, major disagreements could surface between both parents on how much time their children should spend with each parent. This is especially true for significant occasions, like weekends, holidays, and breaks from school. Creating a flexible arrangement that accounts for both parent’s availability can help.

Relocation Issues

When one parent decides to move to another city or state, this will influence the details of a custody arrangement. While the reason for a parent’s move may be reasonable, such as getting a new job or moving closer to their aging parents, the non-relocating parent may object. For example, they may suggest that the parent’s move will impact a child’s connection to their community and general well-being unless the custody arrangement is modified.

Modification of Custody Orders

When circumstances change after an original custody order has been issued, a parent can make a request for the order to be modified. This can be due to a change in a living situation or new allegations of neglect or abuse. If both parents are not in agreement on the modification request, the issue may escalate to court. This is where a judge and jury will decide if the change in circumstances is significant enough to change the original order.

To successfully resolve any of these issues, an experienced child custody lawyer should be brought in to help. They can assess each detail of the case to construct a co-parenting arrangement that benefits their client and meets the children’s needs.


Who Wins the Most Custody Battles?

There isn’t evidence to suggest that one parent consistently “wins” more custody battles than another. Rather, the courts in South Carolina work to prioritize the decisions that are the most advantageous for the children involved. A parent who is able to offer a stable home, maintain a strong bond with their child, and is free from any allegations of neglect or abuse is the most likely candidate to secure a joint or sole custody arrangement.

Who Are the Ideal Witnesses for a Child Custody Trial?

Anyone who can provide objective and relevant testimony about a child’s well-being or a parent’s capacity to take care of a child could be a strong witness for a child custody trial. Some common candidates for this role include a child’s teacher, daycare provider, pediatrician, or even a family friend. Aside from witnesses who have a personal connection, an expert witness like a child psychologist or therapist could also shed light on the needs of a specific child.

How Can I Deal With a Heated Custody Battle?

The easiest way to deal with a heated, contentious custody battle is to focus on the child’s needs. When parents’ wishes differ drastically, starting conversations about what the child needs is a great way to reset and reframe negotiations. Alternative resolution methods, like discussing the case with a third-party mediator, can also help to remove some contention from the discussions.

What Should I Tell Someone Who Is Going Through a Custody Battle?

When you need to support someone during a custody battle, offer as much empathy and patience as possible. Refocus their attention away from disagreements and back to what their children need. In these tense moments, someone going through a custody battle needs to hear practical advice. Encourage them to seek quality legal representation from an attorney who has already helped clients in similar custody cases.

Contact Kinney Law Firm Today

Facing a custody battle can be an extremely overwhelming experience. At Kinney Law Firm, our accomplished lawyer can help mitigate the impact this legal battle has on your life. With years of experience in this field, we can work hard to ensure that the needs of your children are prioritized and that you can move on with your life in peace. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

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